Managing fatigue and injury is important in all of our lives. You need to keep your body healthy and ensure you are getting the proper rest to give your joints enough time to recuperate after a workout or a long day of being on your feet. One of the best ways to help manage injury is by going to a Long Island Sports Medicine clinic to get the right exercise and stretch regimen that works best for you and your schedule. Some ways to help manage fatigue and injury that you may learn from Dr. Michael Sileo a Long Island sports medicine clinic are:

  • Long Island Sports MedicineDrink plenty of water: When you are dehydrated, you may feel more tired, and your body may take longer to recover after a workout.
  • Limit your caffeine intake: If you drink too much caffeine, especially later in the day, it may be making you more tired and messing up your sleep pattern more than it is helping you.
  • Eat balanced meals: Reducing the amount of fat, sugar, and salt in your diet can help you feel more energized and help you sleep better.
  • Check your iron intake: Iron deficiency, or not eating enough iron-rich foods in your diet, can make you feel more tired.
  • Avoid sleeping pills: While they may help in the interim, sleeping pills like melatonin gummies are not a good long-term solution to fighting fatigue.

Contact Us For Long Island Sports Medicine

Injuries do not always happen as a result of fatigue, but when your body is tired, and your mind is not as sharp as it could be, it leaves you at a much higher risk of doing so. The best way to help recover from an injury is by getting help from a Long Island sports medicine doctor who can give you the proper diagnosis and treatment plan for your injury. Here are some things you can expect when seeing a Long Island sports medicine clinic for an injury. Make an appointment with Dr. Michael Sileo for an appointment to learn more about managing fatigue and injury today!